What you see today has been built up by our members since the early days in the late 1980s. If you like what you see and you would like to join us, either as a volunteer or just as an ordinary member who wishes to support us from afar, please print a membership form from below and return it to our Membership Secretary at the address shown. For your calendar year membership fee of £12.50 per household you will:
- receive a copy of our professionally produced Atlantic Coast Express magazine twice a year (sample cover below). This contains a combination of updates on site developments and articles of a historical nature.
- know that you are helping to develop a project that has come about through over thirty years of voluntary effort;
- be welcomed at our occasional social events in Bideford;
- be able to volunteer on site;
- have the opportunity to be trained as a driver or guard;
- be able to assist, if you wish, with administrative matters away from site.
In particular, if you might be interested in volunteering for us, please email us at volunteering . You don't need an interest in railways, just an interest in helping to develop a community project further. If you have any particular skills to offer, please let us know. We're sure we can find a place for you and you are assured of a warm welcome. Some of our typical projects and activities are listed here. Thank you.
Membership Renewal Form 2024.doc
Microsoft Word document [236.5 KB]