Please click on a tab on the left to see historical details of each of our items of rolling stock.
The Winter 2024 edition of ACE magazine is now out. See Sales tab.
We finished resleepering some of our running line in January 2025, We now move on to repairing the brake van and continuing to develop the new picnic area. Our enhanced museum space will follow on later.
Bideford and the River Torridge has been granted Heritage Harbour status by the Maritime Heritage Trust, joining eleven other ports whose contribution to Britain’s maritime history has been officially recognised. More details under the News tab.
Travelling on and payment for the train
Only two passengers may travel at any time and children must be accompanied by an adult. Ride fares are £4 a head for adults and for children, but families with multiple children wishing to ride will not be charged again for the accompanying adult.
This is where you can pay for sales items and pay your membership fee.
You can also make a donation to support our work at Bideford and Instow.
There are three options:
1. a cheque made payable to the Bideford Railway Heritage Centre and sent to BRHC c/o Tree Tops, Northdown Road, Bideford, Devon EX39 3NA or
2. by bank transfer (BACS) to A/C Number 20370096 Sort Code 20-04-59, using your surname and DONATION, MEMBER or SALES as the Reference or
3. by PayPal, debit or credit card leaving a message saying DONATION, MEMBER, or SALES. (Don't worry that our PayPal access portal uses the word Donate rather than Pay.)
Many thanks for your support.
BRHC on Facebook
Bideford Railway Heritage Centre, Instow Signal Box and Bideford's Cafe in the Coach all have pages on Facebook - join us there!
Visit Us!
Interpretation Centre
Our historic railway parcels van at Bideford contains a fabulous interpretation display, with beautiful information panels, a model railway and a high-tech touchscreen interactive.
It's an in-depth historical experience of life on the north Devon railways - come and see us!
Cafe in the Coach
After the complete renovation of the catering facilities, take-away and eat-in options are now available.